Broken Hearts of Your Tender Wives | Jacob 1-4 | Come Follow Me
Spencer W. Kimball taught, “There is no compatibility between light and darkness. Unchastity is darkness. It is ugly, bitter, destructive, and c...
Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World, | Easter | Come Follow Me
During this Easter season, it's important that we remember two things. The first is that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World. The second is to ...
I Must Obey | 2 Nephi 31-33 | Come Follow Me
Nephi's final declaration in the Book of Mormon are three important words: "I Must Obey." Throughout this final chapter of the book of 2 Nephi, we ...
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry | 2 Nephi 26-30 | Come Follow Me
"Yea, and there shall be many which shall say: Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die; and it shall be well with us." - 2 Nephi 28:7
Why is Isaiah So Important? | 2 Nephi 11-25 | Come Follow Me
Why are the Isaiah chapters in the Book of Mormon so important? Why did Nephi decide to engrave them in the plates, and why did Mormon feel that...
Warnings from the Prophet | 2 Nephi 6-10 | Come Follow Me
2 Nephi chapter 9 is so important to study because it focuses on Christ and His Atonement. Jacob quotes from the writings of Isaiah, discusses the ...
Sariah - Matriarch of the Book of Mormon
Sariah is the matriarch of the Book of Mormon. It is not hard to see a connection between her and Sarah, the matriarch of the Old Testament. Not on...
Nephi’s Sisters
There are several different explanations about who these sisters might have been. The first is that Sariah could have given birth to daughters in t...
Journey Toward the Promised Land | Come Follow Me Week #5 | 1 Nephi 16 - 22
The trail, actually a line of ancient hand-dug water wells which necessity dictated they must follow, turned “nearly eastward” near the 15th parall...
Requirements for Revelation | Come Follow Me Week #4 | 1 Nephi Chapter Eleven
1 Nephi 11:1 Pondering: Nephi spoke of the effect of study and meditation. He wanted to know about the things his father had seen, and in order to ...
Insights from the Title Page of the Book of Mormon | Come Follow Me Week #1
The title page, found at the beginning of the Book of Mormon, is a literal translation of Moroni’s last statement, last page, left-hand side of the...
Meet Nephi | Come Follow Me Week #2 | 1 Nephi Chapter One
As you first meet Nephi, when he introduces himself here in chapter one, you might be like many readers who tend to think of him as probably in h...
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