One Man's Study of JSH 1:1

I was studying Joseph Smith History (JSH) for this week’s section in Come, Follow Me and verse one grabbed my attention! I’ve read JSH dozens of times, but as I read this verse it was as if I had never read it before. I’ll be the first to tell you I forget things quite easily (my wife will be the second), but I seriously thought, “Has this verse always been here?”

Here’s the verse:

1 Owing to the many reports which have been put in circulation by evil-disposed and designing persons, in relation to the rise and progress of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, all of which have been designed by the authors thereof to militate against its character as a Church and its progress in the world—I have been induced to write this history, to disabuse the public mind, and put all inquirers after truth in possession of the facts, as they have transpired, in relation both to myself and the Church, so far as I have such facts in my possession.

This verse clearly explains how Joseph Smith History came to be. I always assumed it was simply so we would have a record of the First Vision readily available in our copy of the standard works. I would still argue that that is the meat and potatoes of Joseph Smith History, but it isn’t WHY Joseph Smith wrote it.

Joseph Smith wrote Joseph Smith History as a rebuttal “to the many reports which have been put in circulation by evil-disposed and designing persons” These wicked authors were writing falsehoods designed “to militate against its (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) character as a Church and its progress in the world.” Because of these false reports, Joseph wrote Joseph Smith History. 

It is recorded in JSH far more beautifully than I could ever write, so take another look at his exact words and ponder the bolded words and phrases.

“I have been induced to write this history, to disabuse the public mind, and put all inquirers after truth in possession of the facts, as they have transpired, in relation both to myself and the Church, so far as I have such facts in my possession.”

I think induced is such an interesting word to use. I’ve only heard that word used in the context of child labor when the mother is induced and the baby comes soon after. In the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary, induced is defined as persuaded by motives; influenced; produced; caused. In Joseph’s case, it seems to me that he initially had no intention of writing JSH, or at least not yet, but because of the wicked actions of others (motive), he was persuaded to deliver the truth for the reasons he tells. 

The first reason is to "disabuse the public mind." I just love that imagery! The public had been bombarded by Satan’s lies. Joseph sought to undo the adversary's assaults and “disabuse the public mind.”

Lastly, we have JSH because Joseph wanted to “put all inquirers after truth in possession of the facts.” Don’t you just love Joseph’s boldness here? He doesn’t say “I wanted to help everyone looking for the truth to find it,” in essence, he says if you are looking for the facts, here they are! This is what happened! By wording it in that way, he is also saying “If you are looking for anything other than the facts, you won’t find it here.” You will not be entertained and I won’t hold back any doctrine that might offend you. This is the truth! My truth and God’s truth.

Do you remember when the church released the Meet the Mormons movie in 2014? They were doing the same thing. In an effort to “disabuse the public mind,” form all the falsehoods the media had portrayed as truth “and put all inquirers after truth in possession of the facts,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was “induced” to make a film that showed the world who we really are!

And yet, the world continues to spread Satan’s lies, grossly misrepresent us, and mock sacred truths we hold dear. Just last year, Hulu released a reality TV show called The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, featuring eight Utah wives who claim to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ but behave in ways that contradict those beliefs. Some of its viewers mistakenly believe this fictitious reality show to be a factual docuseries.

In response “to… (The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives) …which [has] been put in circulation by evil-disposed and designing persons, in relation to the rise and progress of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, all of which have been designed by the authors thereof to militate against its character as a Church and its progress in the world” Cedar Fort Publishing and Media has published The Not-So-Secret Lives of REAL “Mormon” Wives. 

Just as Joseph sought to set the record straight, “to disabuse the public mind, and put all inquirers after truth in possession of the facts,” we do the same. The authors of this book have been “induced to write,” to tell the world what successful, married women in the Lord’s restored church do. They love. They serve. They worship. They proclaim His truths and they keep their covenants. That is the truth and that is the facts.

So, for “all inquirers after truth,” here are the facts.


Jayden Jeppson (and the Cedar Fort Family)
A child of God. A child of the Covenant. A disciple of Jesus Christ.

P.S. These are just the thoughts and insights from my personal scripture study. Please know that any shortcomings in my line of reasoning are my own. For a more factual insight on JSH and the Doctrine and Covenants as a whole, please refer to the more scholarly commentary found in The Scripture Central Commentary on the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price Made Easier (contains JSH) and The Doctrine and Covenants Made Easier.