The Doctrine and Covenants and Kids & Teens (D&C Series 3 of 7)

Dear Reader,

I love the Doctrine and Covenants because it’s such a unique book of scripture. Unlike the Bible or the Book of Mormon, this sacred volume is filled with modern revelations—many of them received by the Prophet Joseph Smith during the Restoration. For kids and teens, this book can be both a guide to navigating a modern world and a source of timeless truths. That’s just part of the reason we’re so excited to study the D&C this year! 
In a world that constantly attacks the testimonies of kids and teens, the Doctrine and Covenants offers strength to buoy us and our youth. 
So, we thought we’d dive into how parents, grandparents, teachers, and more, can inspire youth to connect with its powerful principles. Let’s dive into ways to make this vital text relevant and impactful for the rising generation.

Helping Kids See Themselves in the Doctrine and Covenants

One thing I love about the Doctrine and Covenants is how personal it feels. Many of the revelations were given to individuals with questions about their purpose and role in the Lord’s work. For kids and teens who often wonder, “What is my purpose?”, this makes it incredibly relatable.
Example: Hyrum Smith’s Call to Leadership (D&C 11)

In Doctrine and Covenants Section 11, the Lord counsels Hyrum Smith to “seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word” (D&C 11:21). The Lord’s guidance is clear: learn and grow first, then teach and lead.
Use this story to get kids and teens thinking, “What are ways you can “obtain” God’s word right now? Discuss practical ideas—like studying the scriptures, praying for understanding, or building their testimony—so they feel ready when opportunities to lead or teach arise.

Relating Modern Challenges to Doctrine and Covenants Teachings

The Doctrine and Covenants tackles challenges that remain relevant today: choosing to follow the Lord, standing for truth, and overcoming adversity. Teens, in particular, may relate to the early Saints, who faced uncertainty and opposition as they obeyed God’s commands.
Example: Facing Challenges with Faith (D&C 121:7-9)

In Liberty Jail, Joseph Smith cried out to the Lord, questioning the intense trials he and the Saints were enduring. The Lord replied with comforting words: “Peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment” (D&C 121:7).
For teens feeling overwhelmed by school stress, bullying, or mental health struggles, this passage can offers profound comfort. I’ve seen it myself and in the lives of friends and family. 

Teaching Gospel Principles Through Stories

The stories and revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants are filled with principles that kids and teens can apply in their own lives. Here are a few examples:
Principle: Obedience Brings Blessings (D&C 130:20-21)

Section 130 teaches, “There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven… upon which all blessings are predicated.” Discuss how obeying God’s laws leads to blessings, like the health benefits of following the Word of Wisdom or the spiritual strength that comes from attending seminary consistently.
Principle: God Calls Ordinary People to Do Extraordinary Things (D&C 1:23)

The Lord declares that He works through the “weak things of the world” to accomplish His purposes. Highlight examples of ordinary people in Church history—like Emma Smith or young missionaries—and ask: How can God use your talents to make a difference?

Encouraging Personal Revelation

One of the most important lessons kids and teens can learn from the Doctrine and Covenants is the principle of personal revelation. Many revelations were received only after Joseph Smith and others sought guidance from the Lord.
Example: Oliver Cowdery and the Spirit of Revelation (D&C 6:22-23)

When Oliver Cowdery sought confirmation that his work as Joseph Smith’s scribe was pleasing to God, the Lord reminded him of a moment of peace he had already felt. “Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter?” (D&C 6:23). 
This passage shows that God often speaks through feelings of peace and comfort. Share an example from your own life or invite your kids to reflect on moments when they felt guided by the Spirit. Encourage them to record these experiences so they can recognize and remember God’s hand in their lives. 
Elder David A. Bednar taught: “Recording sacred impressions… can bless you and your posterity for generations.” —"The Spirit of Revelation," General Conference, April 2011

Making It Interactive: Activities for Kids and Teens

  1. Scripture Mapping: Choose a section like D&C 4 or D&C 76 and create a visual map highlighting key themes, promises, and principles.
  2. Journal Prompts: Invite kids to write about a time they felt God’s guidance. Teens can reflect on their goals and how Doctrine and Covenants principles can help them achieve them.
  3. Role-Playing: Act out moments from Church history, like the Word of Wisdom revelation (D&C 89) or the calling of the Twelve Apostles. Discuss the significance of these events and how they inspire us today.

Conclusion: Connecting Their Story to the Lord’s Plan

The Doctrine and Covenants isn’t just a book of revelations for early Saints—it’s a book of revelations for us. By helping kids and teens see themselves in its teachings, we can empower them to understand their role in God’s eternal plan.
Encourage them to approach this sacred text with an open heart, seeking answers to their questions and inspiration for their lives. As President Ezra Taft Benson said:
“The Doctrine and Covenants brings men to Christ’s kingdom… and leads them to eternal life” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Ezra Taft Benson, 121).
We hope this email helps you as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and teachers inspire the rising generation to internalize the teachings of the Doctrine and Covenants, preparing them to become future leaders and disciples of Christ.

Now, I’d love to hear your personal stories! Have you or your kids had experiences that strengthened your testimonies? Or do you have advice for helping kids get excited about the Doctrine and Covenants? If so, hit that reply button and let me know!
And stay-tuned for next week’s email. We’re diving into Proofs of The Doctrine & Covenants, and we just know you’ll love it—and your kids will love it too! ;)


Emily Clark

Acquisitions & Marketing Manager 

The Cedar Fort Family

P.S. If you're looking to dive deeper into the personal stories of pioneers who lived through the writing of the Doctrine and Covenants, you’ll want to check out our Search Ponder and Pray series in our D&C collection. Learn more about the Saints in Kirtland, Illinois, Missouri, and New England by clicking here.