Why You Should Journal During Come Follow Me 2020

Studying the Book of Mormon worldwide together is going to be such an amazing experience and there are so many spiritual lessons to be learned throughout the year. With that being said, you don't want to forget the spiritual promptings that you receive throughout your study, which is why having a journal at the ready is so important.  

Journaling regularly has proven to not just boost your mood, but help your memory in retaining information, and reducing stress throughout your day. Imagine starting your day reading the Book of Mormon, and then taking just 5 minutes to write your impressions of your thoughts in your journal. By the end of the year you'll have a full journal full of experiences and spiritual promptings that you might have forgotten had you not written them down.  

It's important for you to have the correct journal for your study. Below we've listed THREE different types of journals. 



Blank Canvas Journals are great because their potential is endless. You are in charge of the page and what you write. Put down your thoughts, your questions, your fears, your experiences, and all of your spiritual promptings on these blank pages and cover them!



Guided Study Journals are great because they help you with your study and make sure that you get something meaningful each time. The Story Book Journals are great because they give children a way to connect with their parents and grandparents by asking them questions that will spark beautiful stories and answers that they will cherish throughout their whole life. Al Carraway's best selling study journal "Rooted" is perfect for the new year as it gives meaningful prompts to help you throughout your study. 


Family Study Journals are great because they keep your family scripture study in-tune. It keeps the children focused and sparks great conversations with parents and their children on gospel focused topics. David Ridges new "Book of Mormon Made Easier Come Follow Me Study Guide" is perfect for this. With awesome insights about the Book of Mormon along with a place to take notes, this is the perfect family study guide for 2020! 

So what are you waiting for! Go get your 2020 Journal Now!