This collection is packed with humorous sayings that are certain to lift the spirits of any reader. The material is original, yet familiar enough that you almost feel certain the author must live in your ward. Written by the author of the popular "You Are Probably a Latter-day Saint If . . ." Day Calendar. If laughter is really the best medicine, you will feel great after reading Latter-day Saint Wit & Wisdom. The book is filled with humorous poems, limericks, jokes and phrases that peek into LDS life in amusing ways. Your whole family will enjoy such sections as Signs that your Sacrament meeting talk has gone way too long, Comments you will never hear at a ward potluck dinner Questions that Sunday school teachers dread Announcements you will never see in the ward bulletin You'll also find "Brown's Axioms," a clever collection of "truths." For example: The farther away you sit from the door, the louder your baby will scream. The bigger the family secret, the more likely your daughter's Primary teacher will know about it. The bishop will show up at your home unexpectedly five minutes after your 2-year-old destroys the living room. After reading Latter-day Saint Wit & Wisdom, you'll more fully appreciate the unique bond felt by this peculiar, delightsome and fun-loving people
Product Details:
Format: Paperback
Print: Black & White
Size: 5.5x8.25
Page Count: 130
ISBN: 9781555176686
Imprint: CFI
Office Use: 1M745
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