Who was Lazarus? Why, through the antiquities of time was an interview with one who was brought back from the dead, not recorded? What was his experience while four days in a tomb? Who were his friends? Who were his enemies? Why was the Savior so touched by Mary's request that he wept? What was the relationship between Lazarus and Jesus? Is not that relationship the same as between the Savior and all of us? what happened to Lazarus and Martha after Lazarus told 'his story?'the events are fictionalized, using various characters, mixed with Jewish tradition. the author of Lazarus of Bethany has created what might have been.
Product Details:
Format: Paperback
Print: Black & White
Size: 5.9x8.8
Page Count: 133
ISBN: 9781555173906
Imprint: Bonneville Books
Office Use: 2M14G
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