You are your ancestors. You're special and rare. So special that nobody else can compare!
Turn your children's hearts to their fathers with this sweet book of rhymes about the importance of the lives of those who came before them, family members who led the way to what they are becoming. I Am My Ancestors focuses on what their predecessors might've looked like, been like, and acted like; their passions and aversions; their culture and religion; what language they spoke; and what country they came from. It also theorizes where your children got their unique looks and behaviors, which is always fun to know!
Light a flame within your children that will burn brightly for the rest of their lives with this delightful book about heritage. It's never too early to instill in them a love for their family's history!
About the Authors:
Charlotte and Jonah are the authors of Turning Little Hearts: Over 90 Activities to Connect Children with their Ancestors. In addition to doing family history for themselves and for others, Charlotte and Jonah love promoting the principle that family history is a powerful parenting tool for young families. They have spoken at many venues including RootsTech (the world’s largest genealogy conference) and have written for various magazines and websites. They are the parents of six children—all of whom were named after their ancestors—and they run a wholesale bakery in the gorgeous Pacific Northwest.
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