Eyewitness History of the Church, The - Volume 1: The Restoration
Author: Jeffrey Marsh
The Eyewitness History of the Church-which draws together for the first time hundreds of first-person, eyewitness accounts of those who walked and talked with the Prophet Joseph Smith-provides such a thrill while adding a new dimension to our understanding of the early days of the Restoration. Each chapter in this innovative book consists of eyewitness narratives of central events of Joseph's life and of the history of the early Church. You will experience a whole new world of LDS Church history through snapshots of specific moments captured by those who were there. Follow fourteen-year-old Joseph into the Sacred Grove and learn what he experienced from the ten accounts of the First Vision written during his lifetime. Sit inside a meeting of the School of the Prophets in Kirtland and see what John Murdock and Zebedee Coltrin said happened to the group early one morning as the Prophet led them in prayer. Read what happened when the Prophet and others were caught on a runaway stage coach in Indiana. Relive the spiritual experiences that followed. Stand with the Prophet Joseph as he dedicates the land of Zion for the building of a temple. Worship with the Saints in Kirtland as they experience a celestial outpouring of revelation from heaven in which angels and the Father and the Son appear. Walk with young Mosiah Hancock as he enters the Mansion House with thousands of others to see the martyred bodies of the Prophet Joseph and Hyrum Smith. For the past two hundred years, these eyewitness accounts have helped shape the spiritual heritage of the Church around the world. They not only bear testimony of what occurred but also plant seeds of faith and belief in modern readers. This firsthand approach to learning about Church history will touch your heart, stir your imagination, expand your knowledge, and strengthen your testimony.
Product Details:
Format: Hardback
Print: Black and White
Size: 6.5 x 9
Page Count: 417
ISBN: 9781555178451
Imprint: Cedar Fort Publishing
Office Use: 1K323
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