Family Testament is about us. It answers questions we each have asked, such as “what law do I live now and where do I go from here?” “What law and disciplines govern my family ‘altitude’?” “Just what is ‘Celestial living?” “What constitutes ‘manhood’ and ‘womanhood’?” “Why are we called ‘brother’ and ‘sister’?” “What do fathers and mothers have to do with eternal life?” “Why are ‘little children’ so important?” The family is under attack in today’s world and answers to these and many other questions are vital to every family member. Satan has counterfeited the family in an effort to subvert the plan and laws that govern our stay in mortality. The likeness of the celestial family is given to us by Jesus Christ and the attributes of that family are like blocks of solid stone that we can use to build a wall around our homes to keep the false ideals of the world out. Family Testament is a compliment to the Proclamation given by the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles on the family and supports and amplifies all statements made in that document. Our relationship to our heavenly parents and to each other in this life is central to success and happiness in mortal life and progress in the life to come in eternity. The Celestial home is a temple, and we learn that living the seven temple qualities of family living can bring the likeness of temple sanctity into our homes. This book promotes “those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of our society” and is a witness to the truth of the “Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.” (“A Proclamation to the World,” The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).
Product Details:
Format: Paperback
Print: Black & White
Size: 6x9
Page Count: 171
ISBN: 9781555178468
Imprint: CFI
Office Use: 1M421
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