You just remembered that you are i charge of planning the activity for FHE tonight and you've got...nothing. The LDS Game Book is here to help! Within these covers are over seven hundred ideas, providing games and activities suitable for any event, such as:
Don't Follow the Leader
Cannibals and Missionaries
Human Lotto
Obstacle Relay
Blind Musician
Not every game works for every situation or audience. This book organizes these activities into sections so you can easily find exactly what you need. Ranging from quiet, gospel-oriented games for family home evening to riotous, active games for a family reunion, you are sure to find the fun you're looking for. There are easy-to-follow instructions for each game and an index for quick searches. This tool is a must-have for church leaders, teachers, and parents for events anywhere, for any time of the year, and for any type of audience!
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