Enjoy the full text of the Pearl of Great Price as part of the popular Gospel Studies Series. The full text of the scripture is included with in-the-verse notes that provide a highly effective, unique teaching tool. Notes between the verses offer additional insights and teach principles and doctrines. This wonderful new volume brings the gospel full circle from the Creation story in Moses to the early history of the restored Church in latter days. Study along with David J. Ridges as he brings the Pearl of Great Price to life with this unique teacher in the hand.
A Powerful Study Guide
Quickly gain a basic understanding of the Pearl of Great Price with the help of brief notes within and between the verses. Example: Joseph Smith Matthew 24:2
2 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple; and his disciples came to him, for to hear him, saying: Master, show us concerning the buildings of the temple, as thou hast said They shall be thrown down, and left unto you desolate [the disciples would like Him to give them more details about the coming destruction of the temple in Jerusalem]. The Savior s prophecy that the buildings of the temple would be torn down was fulfilled by about 70 to 73 AD as the Romans finally conquered the Jews and destroyed many of their cities.
Transfer these brief notes into your own scriptures to increase your understanding now as well as in the future.
A Quick Reference
Quickly get help for specific verses or chapters. Review for a lesson, talk, or family night discussion.
Product Details:
Format: Paperback
Print: Black & White
Size: 6x9
Page Count: 256
ISBN: 9781599553443
Imprint: Cedar Fort Publishing
Office Use: 1J134
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