Just Add Water has long been recognized as an excellent source for delicious, easily prepared recipes that use dehydrated foods. Its long-term popularity continues because it utilizes food and recipes that families really like to eat, and because it adapts dehydrated food components into familiar and well-liked basic family meals. It's brief and concise, but it tells homemakers the essential information they need. This book explains the characteristics and advantages of dehydrated foods, focusing on their economy, lower weight, easier storage and longer shelf life; tells how to plan a yearlong food storage program, complete with detailed planning charts and inventory guidelines; and gives suggestions for using dehydrated foods effectively, with lots of general and specific hints of real value. And then come the recipes - fifteen chapters of them, telling how to prepare fruits, vegetables, meal substitutes, and main dishes. They cover multipurpose foods, salads, and soups. Few books provide so much useable information as concisely as Just Add Water. It deserves a place on every homemaker's bookshelf and belongs in every kitchen.
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