News of calamity, disaster, and war got you down? Afraid of how you'll survive if you lose your job? Wondering what to do when the big one hits? Wonder no more. Personal preparedness expert Barbara Salsbury brings together years of research and experience, giving you the know-how to set up an organized, practical, personal preparedness program that will provide for most wants and needs in any emergency situation. Preparedness Principles, the most comprehensive preparedness guide ever published, offers exclusive details about:
* Four new categories of preparedness
* New bare-bones basics * The Pantry Principle * Storm shelters, safe rooms, and safe havens * And much more!
If you're serious about a personalized preparedness action plan, this quintessential reference book is for you!
Product Details:
Format: Paperback
Print: Black & White
Size: 8.5x11
Page Count: 365
ISBN: 9780882908069
Imprint: CFI
Office Use: 2L72E
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