Change Your Choices, Change Your Life: Discovering Your Path to Emotional Healing and Spiritual Growth
Author: Lowell K. Oswald & John Waterbury
We all encounter challenges. The key is learning how to respond to them. Now you can start seeing life with a clear and healthy perspective as you identify the source of your emotional and spiritual challenges and make constructive changes for a more balanced life.
Christian Drug Rehab Review - ". . . Recovery experts the world over have repeatedly stressed that we heal from within, albeit not alone. We require the ongoing support and encouragement of others as we make our journey through life in sobriety. That so many of us experience continual heartache and an inability to make wise choices means that we still have much to learn, not the least of which is to give ourselves over to our Higher Power, to accept that we are humans who make mistakes and to ask for the strength and courage to learn how to not only see appropriate choices but also to make them.
This book is intended to assist those who seek to discover their own path to emotional healing and spiritual growth. And it is very much shaded with insights that are spiritual in nature.
Should readers with no religious inclinations shy away from such a book? Not if they’re truly interested in benefitting from sound recommendations that can help in their recovery journey. It isn’t necessary to be devoutly religious to get something valuable from this book. . ."