Author: David Covey
The field is ready to harvest and to reap the rewards of your labor you need the right tools. David Covey's 8-step door approach and golden questions will orient missionaries toward fruitful finding, concrete committing, and meaningful member relations. Leave mediocre missionary work far behind as you discover skills specific to the conversion process and develop into a highly effective missionary.
Praise for The Highly Effective Missionary.
From a missionary in France:
"The best thing about using the survey is the way you can quickly transition into a gospel conversation. I've probably had more gospel-centered contacts and conversations this week than any other week of my mission! It can be really challenging here to stop people on the street because everyone already "knows" who we are (half of them think we are Jehovah's Witness and the other half know we're Mormon and think we are the craziest sect to ever grace the planet earth). But the survey allows us to relieve the pressure a bit and it's a lot easier to have someone stop and take a survey then stop and have a spiritual discussion right off the bat. So we're going to keep trying and just trust the Lord and see what miracles come of it."
From a missionary in the Philippines:
"I have some great news, at last, we finally tried the survey approach. At first, it took a little adapting to make it work for Filipinos. So we went out experimenting on it and just this week we got 16 new investigators which means we got inside, had an opening and closing prayer and got a return appointment. We coulda had
like 8 more but we had no mission worker. It's so awesome!
This survey thing changed my entire mindset toward missionary work. Before, this area was kinda struggling but now we have too many people to teach. We told the zone leaders about it but they didn't like it. They prefer their old ineffective missionary techniques but one thing's for certain whether they like it or not, they can't deny the results we're getting! Now whenever we have a spare 30 minutes or walking in between lessons, we stop and we're like, 'let's go teach the first discussion' and just like that we meet new people, teach them and get a return appointment.
Not only has the survey gave us a lot more to do, but also saved us a lot of walking haha. We surveyed our neighbors and taught them at around 8:30 at night (who just so happens to be the sister of the bishop) when we were walking home one night."
From a missionary in Washington, D.C. (Chinese speaking)
“These past two weeks I became inspired reading one of my Dad's great friends, David Covey's book called "The Highly Effective Missionary" and started using a ton of his insights and methods to get into houses. Not only did it make teaching 1000x's better, but it actually got us into four times as many houses as well! To put things in perspective, my companion and I taught 6 lessons in my entire first transfer, last week we taught 16 lessons alone.”
From a missionary in the Caribbean (French speaking)
"We are really striving to improve our contacting skills. So yesterday, we studied out the 8 Step Door Approach. then we translated everything and memorized the vocab in French, then put it to the test. It is BRILLIANT! We found Lori, and Matthew - and we have never taught the Restoration so well. the spirit was so SO strong right from the beginning."
From a missionary in the Ukraine
"Just so you know, my companion and I translated your survey after you sent it, have been using it, and it's gone mission wide now - tons of missionaries are using it. We have been finding new investigators like crazy, it's the only way I contact now!! THANK YOU!!! Huge success! It works so well!!
Elder Santiago
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From a parent
"Hi David,
I just wanted you to know that I finished your book a couple weeks ago. It was really inspiring and can be a very effective tool for this time of quickening the work. As a career sales guy, it totally resonates with me. I think it is the best book on missionary work as a companion to Preach My Gospel that there is out there. The challenge will be to get the Church to adopt it, which I hope they will. I thought it would be a good read coming from you, but I was totally caught off guard as to how good it really was. Thank you for writing it.
I want to start giving the book to missionaries that go out. Can you tell me if it is on sale in Deseret Book and other places like that? I need a dozen or so of them.
From a parent
"I have given your book out to about 8 people so far that I know who have kids on missions or going on missions. Each time it takes a week or two, but they get back to me and let me know the book has gotten them on fire with missionary work. In one case a missionary in Chicago wrote his dad that he spent his entire P Day reading the book and he felt it had several great ideas he can use immediately. He told his dad to thank me for the book. I am thanking you for writing it. I keep copies with me to hand out, because there are so many missionaries going out. One of my neighbors sons is leaving in January for the Baltic States. He read the book, then got together with several of his friends that are leaving soon for their missions, and read them parts of the book. He said it was really cool and his friends loved what they learned. Good stuff.
Thank you!"
From a prospective missionary
"This book has changed my perception of missionary work. I'm excited to get out into the field and put these methods to work. I know that I have been prepared in so many ways for a mission."
Product Details:
- Format: Paperback
- Print: Black & White
- Size: 6x9
- Page Count: 116
- ISBN: 9781462112302
- Imprint: CFI
- Office Use: 1L_13