Where Have All the Prophets Gone? : Revelation and Rebellion in the Old Testament and the Christian World
Author: Scott R. Petersen
Scholars and believers alike often ask difficult questions regarding God's formal dealings with mankind:
Why did God work through prophets anciently, through Christ when He was on the earth, and through His Apostles after His death but then suddenly end the prophetic voice?
How can God be the same yesterday, today, and forever if He so radically changed His approach to guiding His children?
What happened to the original, clear message delivered from God to Adam after the Fall regarding the principles, practices, and rites required of His children?
If God's complete, error-free plan still exists, how would we know, and how is it possible for humanity to decipher such a plan, given the numerous avenues available to worship our Creator?
Where Have All the Prophets Gone? explores these issues by looking at the core practices and texts that reveal both the originals and the path traveled by early Christianity. With a critical but refreshingly open eye, the author identifies the current "state of the kingdom" and opens the window on a unique hope that God is indeed constant in both His love and His methods.