Author: Shawn D. Moon
Living on your own can be exciting, while at the same time terrifying. For the first time in your life, you can make your own rules, cook your own meals, and make your own financial decisions. On the other hand, you have freedoms as you have never had before.
Thoughts about finances, self-discipline, and plans for the future often take a backseat to dreams of sleeping in, no curfew, and no supervision. The responsibilities of living an adult life can be a hard reality to face. But they don t have to be.
In On Your Own: A Young Adults Guide to Making Smart Decisions, Shawn D. Moon takes the insight he s gained through correspondence with hundreds of young adults and combines it with his own personal experience to advise those about to embark on the journey of adulthood. With counsel on matters from spirituality to careers and helpful worksheets to aid in planning and organizing, all young adults will find this guide beneficial in preparing for life on their own.
Product Details:
- Format: Paperback
- Print: Black & White
- Size: 6x9
- Page Count: 196
- ISBN: 9781599552606
- Imprint: Cedar Fort Publishing
- Office Use: 1J714