The world is desperately in need of selfless, Christlike leadership. The world has seen countless leaders: kings, priests, emperors, generals, preachers who led tiny flocks, and warriors who led mighty armies. Yet in all the ages of the earth, from the kings of Europe to the heads of families, a single leader stands out as the One who has had the greatest impact the world has ever known: a humble man named Jesus of Nazareth. What elements combine to create the perfect leader? Using Jesus as the example, authors Eric Stephan and R. Wayne Pace answer this question in, To Lead as Jesus Led. When their search through volumes on leadership failed to capture the essence of true leadership, they decided to turn to the scriptures. There they found the truth, and now they reveal the important elements of successful leadership. With valuable suggestions taken straight from the scriptures, they will help the reader to weed out common misconceptions about leadership and narrow the focus of what leadership really is. Readers will also learn to exercise principles of good leadership and, most important of all, take the steps necessary to becoming the kind of person others will want to follow. To Lead as Jesus Led will prove to be an important addition to the library of anyone who wishes to become more like Jesus in their associations with friends, family, and all those they come in contact with.
Product Details:
Format: Paperback
Print: Black & White
Size: 6x9
Page Count: 105
ISBN: 9781555179939
Imprint: CFI
Office Use: 1K411
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