Author: Linda Hoffman Kimball
Apple Pies and Promises is not just for everyone who is or hopes to be a mother. It's for everyone who has ever had a mother. In our media-driven society, motherhood is often undervalued or sentimentalized. At church, motherhood is the stuff of praise and sometimes pedestals. What is motherhood really? If you're looking for a tidy answer to that question, you'll have to look elsewhere. But if you want to be inspired by the real-life, real-world experences and thoughts of LDS women, read this book. Maybe you'll see your mother in a new light. maybe at last you'll be able to forgive yourself for not living up to an impossible image by discovering that you are in good company. This book offers glimpses into the complexities and mixed blessings of motherhood. Its pages may inspire you, mortify you, make you laugh, make you cry, or maybe even make you glad you are who you are. Linda Hoffman Kimball lives in Evanston, Illinois. She is a columnist for the “Webby” award-winning online interfaith magazine and for Exponent II, an LDS women’s quarterly newspaper. She is also the author of Chocolate Chips and Charity, Raspberries and Relevance, and two humorous novels for LDS adults, Home to Roost and The Marketing of Sister B. Reviews - While Apple Pie and Promises: Motherhood in the Real Worlds is written by Mormon women the themes are common to mothers the world over. Apple Pie and Promises: Motherhood in the Real Worlds is an excellent choice for the home library and pleasure reading for Mormon and non-Mormon alike. After experiencing my own problems during pregnancy I found 'Up and Down and All Around a particularly compelling read.
Product Details:
- Format: Paperback
- Print: Black & White
- Size: 5.25x8.25
- Page Count: 124
- ISBN: 9781555178499
- Imprint: Cedar Fort Publishing
- Office Use: 1J747