Endowed with Power: How Temple Symbols Guide Us to Christ's Atonement
Author: Rob Line
Prepare not only to go to the temple but to be in it as well. TEMPLES ARE FILLED with ancient symbols that point directly to the Atonement. These symbols are all around— in scriptures, cultural motifs, and architectural details.
C. Robert Line, a doctor in sociology of religion, o ers help to those wanting to make sense of certain aspects of the temple and the endowment. By showing how these symbols all point back to Christ’s Atonement, he aims to enrich and enliven the worship experience that Church members can and should expect when they attend the House of the Lord.
Learn to recognize the true meanings of temple symbols, such as the circle in the square motif, the tree of life, and sacred temple clothing, and allow their meanings to bring you closer to Christ.
Product Details:
Format: Paperback
Print: Black & White
Size: 6x9
Page Count: 152
ISBN: 9781462120727
Imprint: CFI
Office Use: 1L123
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