Sacred Covenants: Our Agreement with God to be Exalted
Author: Jeffery Hogge
We are free to agree to be exalted or to settle for less. God will not force us.
Understand your eternal covenants as never before by reading this remarkable book by gifted author Jeffery Hogge. Solidly based in scriptural doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this inspired volume has a timely message for all those who desire to become like God. In its pages, you will explore gospel truths such as
Agency, accountability, and Christ's Atonement
Opposites and counterfeits
The doctrines of repentance, mercy, and restoration
Premortal covenants and temple covenants
We are eternal beings, children of Heavenly Parents, with the potential of becoming as They are. We have the agency to choose to follow Them, but we must exercise that agency by walking the covenant path and relying on the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Jeffery A. Hogge has been an appellate court attorney for more than 30 years, assisting judges in California and Nevada to craft judicial opinions deciding a wide range of current legal issues. He is the author of Norton Parker Chipman: A Biography of the Andersonville War Crimes Prosecutor, as well as articles and essays for legal and religious publications. Born and raised in California, he graduated from Brigham Young University with a BA in linguistics and returned to California for his law degree. He is a lifelong member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, served a mission in Italy, and has served in many ward, stake, and mission leadership callings, most recently as stake president. He and his wife, Kimberly, have six children and a growing flock of grandchildren.
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