Hearken Ye and Give Ear to Him: Revelations on the Isaac & Lucy Morley Farm
By: Damon L. Bahr & Thomas P. Aardema
The Morley Farm is sacred soil and one of the most important sites of Church history. It was on this farm that Joseph and Emma Smith lived for six months, where thirteen sections of the Doctrine and Covenants were revealed, and where numerous manifestations were experienced, including visions of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Furthermore, it was here that Joseph was prepared to receive the many revelations that were received in Kirtland constituting nearly half of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Of all the Kirtland historical sites, the Morley Farm is one that is least visited and perhaps least appreciated. This book will help readers appreciate the importance of this site, the conduit of divine intelligence that rested over this hallowed ground while Joseph and Emma lived there, and the powerful spirit that still pervades this sacred place.
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