Heaven is Cheering You On: Spiritual Survival in the Last Days
Author: Mark Ogletree
We live in a chaotic time, full of uncertainty and turbulence. But just because the world seems to be crumbling at a rapid rate, as Latter-day Saints, we do not have to live in a constant state of fear and anxiety. The Lord wants us to have hope, and to be happy and optimistic, full of faith, light, and love!
Heaven is Cheering You Onby Dr. Mark D. Ogletree explores the scriptures and teachings of Latter-day prophets that help fortify us, provide strength, faith, and hope in the dark world that we live in.
Through the gospel truths taught in this book, readers will:
Feel the light and love that Jesus Christ has for them
Be comforted by the scriptural and prophetic promises of peace, safety, and protection for the Lords faithful people
Develop the Christlike attributes of faith, hope, peace and optimism
Gain insight, perspective, and happiness that come from the practice of gratitude
Appreciate the role that Living Prophets play in the last days
Heaven is Cheering You On will help you find faith and happines. There is no need to live under the dark clouds of worry, fear, and pessimism when we have the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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