Before Birth, Beyond Death is an inspirational guide for young children faced with the death of someone close to them. It offers an easily understood source of guidance concerning the deep questions and meanings of life, at a level that can be grasped by preschool-aged youth. Parents may choose to share these messages with their children by reading the book to them. Older children can read and enjoy the book themselves. Either way, the realities of the pre-mortal existence, the purposes of earth experiences and the glorious blessings expected in the future life will be conveyed to all who study this insightful explanation. The book introduces children to the meaning and reality of death. Information beneficial to both parents and children is given to help them cope with death and the sorrow that accompanies it. Descriptions and explanations of paradise, the spirit prison, and missionary work beyond the veil are given. The author handles these important subjects with warmth, simplicity, and tenderness. Before Birth, Beyond Death will be a welcome guide for any parent faced with having to explain death and life’s eternal meanings to a child.
Format: Paperback
Print: Black & White
Size: 5.5x8.4375.
Page Count: 92
ISBN: 9780882903156
Imprint: CFI
Office Use: 2I33C
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