Author: Mary Muller
Inspiration; a burning in your heart; a still, small voice; the Comforter; a witness; your constant companion. These are phrases and titles associated with the Holy Ghost. This book offers a generous treatment of this third member of the Godhead and demonstrates that - whether you are alone or in a crowd of people - this Guiding Spirit is willing to be with you, to fill you with comfort and pure intelligence, and enlighten you with understanding. It shows how the Holy Ghost is our link here on earth to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost - The Third Member of the Godhead shows how revelation is our sixth sense. It cited prophetic references and gives scriptural accounts for the various topics it covers, including associated gifts and conditions such as "The Holy Spirit of Promise," "The Second Comforter," "The More Sure Word of Prophecy," and when a "Calling and Election" is made sure. This book explains how to teach by the Holy Ghost, or with the Spirit, and how to stay in tune with Him. It shows that the Holy Ghost gives us courage, so much so that the threats of men are of no consequence. It reminds us that what was available to Joseph Smith in the way of revelation is also available to us, as we become more ready to receive it. The Holy Ghost - The Third Member of the Godhead is clear and direct in its presentation, with a review at the end of each chapter, and a comrehensive bibliography.
Product Details:
- Format: Paperback
- Print: Black & White
- Size: 6x9
- Page Count: 176
- ISBN: 9780882906973
- Imprint: CFI
- Office Use: 1O957