Author: Joan Oviatt & Joy Robinson
When you go into a typical Latter-day Saint home today, you will likely see copies of The Ensign, The New Era, The Friend, and the LDS Church News prominently displayed. Most of the Saints enjoy the messages of inspiration, the counsel for righteous living, the doctrinal expositions, the inspirational tales, information concerning Church growth and activities, the poetry, and the humor which they find in these timely periodicals.
In years past, your forefathers enjoyed reading The Contributor, TheMillennial Star, The Woman's Exponent, The Juvenile Instructor, and The Improvement Era, which furnished them with the same news and inspirational messages. But these periodicals have been superseded with the magazines we now know.
Though progress and advancement are welcome signs of growth, the past also contains much knowledge and inspiration. These former periodicals are filled with wonderful stories, admonitions, and humorous tidbits that shape lives for good. LDS authors and researchers Joan Oviatt and Joy Robinson, with several helpers, have sifted out hundreds of gems from these former periodicals and presented them in a delightfully palatable setting for modem readers. They also have added items, from their personal files which serve to strengthen faith and extend the limits of present knowledge.
Of Angels, Dreams, and Other Fine Things presents their compilations in fifteen chapters, each laden with delicious fruits from the past. They are:
* Angels, Visions, and Dreams
* About Women
* Spiritual Insights
* Words of Wisdom
* Attitude
* Stories for Youth
* The Moral of the Story
* Perseverance
* Characters of Consequence
* Mormon Humor
* Wisdom From Other Cultures
* Youthful Humor
* Missionary Humor
* Smiles Lift the Spirit
* Signs of the Times: Stories for All Ages
Combined in this volume are numerous teaching stories, humorous anecdotes, wise maxims, and other pearls which can be used in talks, lesson presentations, family home evening lessons, and for personal enrichment. A valuable topical index lists the contents under a wide variety of subjects. Read and enjoy it!
Product Details:
- Format: Paperback
- Print: Black & White
- Size: 6x9
- Page Count: 270
- ISBN: 9780882907581
- Imprint: CFI
- Office Use: 2L51J