What are the feasts and festivals of the Messiah? They are not just “Jewish holidays” that are defunct for Christians because the Law of Moses is fulfilled and the Jerusalem temple destroyed. Rather, the ancient feast and festival days were given to all of Israel to keep forever. Ezekiel and Zechariah prophesy that both the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles will be kept during the Millennium. If that is true, what do we need to know and understand about them?
Lynda Cherry will help us to explore the historic, prophetic and modern implications of the seven holy celebrations. These holidays hold as much meaning for us today as they did for the ancient Israelites. The rituals of the feast days point us to God’s great Plan of Salvation, and the first and second comings of the Messiah. Jesus used the bread and wine of the Passover to institute the first sacrament, and during the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus taught that the symbols of the water-pouring ceremony and the lighting of the candlesticks testified that He was the Light of the World and the Living Water. Second coming prophecies have begun to be fulfilled, as The Book of Mormon came forth on the Feast of Trumpets, and Elijah returned, as promised, on Passover to the Kirtland Temple. This book will help the reader to gain a richer testimony of the Plan of Salvation, and to see that all things testify of Jesus, the Messiah.
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