Author: Debbie Bowen

With ten children, Debbie Bowen quickly learned the advantages of actively involving all the kids in the family's daily routines. Delegation has been a key part of the Bowen family's efforts to maintain an organized, happy home and a key to their success. In this delightful book, she explains the formulas and techniques she's discovered, and she shows that W.O.R.K. truly provides Wonderful Opportunities for Raising Responsible Kids. Bringing her personal experiences and reminiscences to the book, Debbie has created an enjoyable as well as educational read. She emphasizes the close relationships fostered as the entire family works together cleaning the kitchen, caring for the garden, and completing other duties to beautify the home, though she forthrightly acknowledges that there is no such thing as untroubled waters. In today's world of television, video games, computers, and automatic dishwashers, families too often drift apart. Debbie Bowen has found that delegating work in and around the house gives a sense of accomplishment and draws her family closer because of times spent together. Her children are responsible, and they all have memories that will last a lifetime. The formulas for success in this excellent book can be applied to families everywhere, including yours!
- Format: Paperback
- Print: Black & White
- Size: 6x9
- Page Count: 114
- ISBN: 9780882907550
- Imprint: CFI
- Office Use: 2L62N