
Defending Your Faith Pt. 3: Homosexuality and Church History 🛡️⚔️

So far in this email series, we’ve discussed how crucial it is to study and pray about the doctrines we believe in as members of The...

Defending Your Faith Pt. 2: Religious Discussions 🛡️⚔️

Confidence is Key Last time, we discussed the importance of knowing and believing in what you’re defending. Putting i...

Defending Your Faith Pt. 1: Believing What Your Defending 🛡️⚔️

Introduction In today’s world, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be a follower of Christ. External forces con...

Motherhood (Divine Nature of Women series 8 of 7)

  Dear Reader, We decided to do one more email in the Divine Nature of Women series on Motherhood seeing as Mother’s Day is coming up s...

Women of the Scriptures & What We Can Learn From Them (Divine Nature of Women Series 7 of 7)

Dear Reader, To wrap up the Divine Nature of Women series, we thought it would be great to get some thoughts on Women of the Scriptures ...

Famous LDS Women (Divine Nature of Women Series 6 of 7)

Dear Reader, This is going to be a quick one because in our Blessings of Being a Woman in the Latter-Days' email, we already touched on ...

Women & Education (Divine Nature of Women Series 5 of 7)

Dear Reader, How long has the church considered the education of women important?  Well, if you were to ask me, I’d say forever. (No, I’m not goi...

The Power of a Converted Woman (Divine Nature Of Women Series 3 of 7)

Dear Reader, So far, in our Divine Nature of Women series, we’ve talked about the struggle with feeling unworthy and given examples of when God com...

The Blessing of Being a Woman in the Latter-days (Divine Nature of Women Series 4 of 7)

Dear Reader,   One of my uncles spent the majority of his life in another church. A few years before he died, he and his wife decided they wanted m...

God Comes to Women (Divine Nature of Women 2 of 7)

Dear Reader, If you follow us on Instagram, you may have seen this post we put up a couple weeks ago. It was called God Comes to Women ...

The Struggle with Feeling Worthy (Divine Nature of Women Series 1 of 7)

Dear Reader, Did you know that 75% of women executives feel imposter syndrome? Or that 7 in 10 girls feel they don’t measure up? And that, accordin...

James Madison the Father of Religious Liberty

Madison believed rights were natural or gifts of God, and he was thoroughly committed to the goal of the founding generation to establish a nation ...