The Messiah Born at Passover
President Gordon B. Hinckley once said, “There would be no Christmas if there had not been Easter.”2 Remarkably, what we celebrate at each of thes...
Miracles of the Book of Mormon (The B.O.M Series 7 of 7)
It’s easy to find examples of miracles within the pages of the Book of Mormon.
We have the many appearances of angels, including th...
The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon (The B.O.M Series 6 of 7)
While the coming forth of the Book of Mormon is a topic we cover often in the church, there are a few details that don’t get covered ...
Book of Mormon Villains - and What We Can Learn From Them. (The B.O.M. Series 5 of 7)
When you hear, (or read in this case,) the names Laman & Lemuel, King Noah, Nehor, Coriantumr, Zeezrom, and Korihor what comes to mind?
Proofs of the Book of Mormon (The B.O.M. Series 4 of 7)
When the Lord commanded The Three Witnesses to bear record of the Book of Mormon, they were worried they would not be believed because the people ...
The Book of Mormon and Kids/Teens (The B.O.M. Series 3 of 7)
In the last two posts, we’ve talked about the many blessings of reading from the Book of Mormon daily; an increase in dopamine, a decr...
The Book of Mormon and Personal Revelation (The B.O.M Series Email 2 of 7)
Stories of revelation are commonplace in our world; we hear stories often every Sunday at church, we hear many stories twice a year during Ge...
The Book of Mormon and Science (The B.O.M. Series 1 of 7)
Are you excited to jump into Book of Mormon, Come Follow Me? We are, so to celebrate the upcoming study year, we’ve decided to do something a...
Top 25 Reads Cedar Fort Unlimited App
We're excited to announce our top 2023 reads on the Cedar Fort Unlimited App! Learn More about each book below. Use the code 3-month-trial to try i...
Ask and Receive
The Lord has been quite direct in His instruction to us about how we can receive blessings at His hand. As we mentioned previously, one of the clea...
Cedar Fort Publishing & Media Founder Lyle Mortimer Honored With Lifetime Achievement Award
Lyle Mortimer, founder of Cedar Fort Publishing & Media, joins Michael McLean, Brandon Sanderson, Gladys Knight, Susan Easton Black, Janice Kap...
The Rock of our Salvation
Nephi and Lehi’s motivation to preach came in part because they remembered the words of their father. Specifically, Helaman taught them, “I have gi...
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