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Women of the Restoration : The Beginnings of the Journey
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Dear Divine Daughter : Inspiring Women in Latter-day Scripture
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Women Read Scripture: 365 Daily Devotionals from the Doctrine & Covenants
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Eyewitness History of the Church, The - Volume 1: The Restoration
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Latter-day Saint Stories

The Doctrine and Covenants and Kids & Teens (D&C Series 3 of 7)

Dear Reader,   I love the Doctrine and Covenants because it’s such a unique book of scripture. Unlike the Bible or the Book of Mormo...

Receiving Revelation (The D&C Series - Email 2 of 7)

Dear Reader, To start the year with a bang, we thought we’d go over personal revelation in the Doctrine and Covenants so we can prepare to recei...

The Miracles of the Doctrine and Covenants (D&C Series Email 7 of 7)

Dear Reader,   Have you ever wondered if miracles still happen today?   When we think of miracles, our minds often go to the incre...

The Amazing Story Behind the Doctrine and Covenants + Fun Facts! (D&C Series Email 6 of 7)

Dear Reader,   Have you ever thought about just how incredible the Doctrine and Covenants really is? Unlike other scriptures, it wa...

Faith and Opposition: The Villains of Early Church History (D&C Series Email 5 of 7)

Dear Reader,   The early days of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were anything but boring—think divine revelations, m...

Powerful Proofs of Divine Revelation (D&C Series Email 4 of 7)

Dear Reader,   As I reflect on the Doctrine and Covenants, I am struck by how much it testifies of God’s love, foresight, and involv...

"Love, Kennedy": Why the Book Offers More than the Movie

If the Love, Kennedy movie left you feeling inspired, you’re not alone. Kennedy Hansen’s story is one that resonates deeply, reminding us of the po...

One Man's Study of JSH 1:1

I was studying Joseph Smith History (JSH) for this week’s section in Come, Follow Me and verse one grabbed my attention! I’ve read JSH dozens of ti...

How Scripture Study Can Change Your Life (The D&C Series Email 1 of 7)

Dear Reader,  First off, scripture study isn’t just about reading words on a page—it’s about connecting with God, finding clarity in our struggles,...

The Life and Legacy of John M. Pontius

  Introduction   John M. Pontius was an author, speaker, and devoted member of  the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). Throughout  ...


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